Microbio Visits JPL posted in microbio
May 22, 2023
A special look into the Space Microbiology’s visit to NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)!
Host Dr. Ceth Parker, and Space Microbiology Co-Leads Miriam Aziz and Theodore Nelson, inspect the rotary cell culture system (RCCS) from Synthecon, one of the 2D ‘simulated microgravity’ clinostats.
From left to right: Dr. Ceth Parker, Theodore Nelson, Miriam Aziz
Image courtesy of Jake Lee
JPL Escort Jake Lee and the Space Microbiology Team pose for a photo in the lobby of the Mission Control Center at NASA JPL.
From left to right: Jake Lee, Miriam Aziz, Theodore Nelson, Michelle Brose, Błażej Raszewski, Chloe Jones, Rashell Ramirez, Somin Lee, Brianna Przywozny
Image courtesy of Jake Lee
Host Dr. Ceth Parker, and Space Microbiology Team Members Somin Lee, Michelle Brose, Brianna Przywozny, and Rashell Ramirez outline the planned zinc oxide formation experiment on the whiteboard.
From left to right: Michelle Brose, Jake Lee, Dr. Ceth Parker, Somin Lee, Brianna Przywozny, Rashell Ramirez
Image courtesy of Miriam Aziz
The Space Microbiology Team poses in front of a sign that reads ‘Dare Mighty Things!’ a slogan associated with NASA’s rover missions to Mars.
From left to right: Theodore Nelson, Miriam Aziz, Brianna Przywozny, Somin Lee, Michelle Brose, Rashell Ramirez, Błażej Raszewski, Chloe Jones
Image courtesy of Theodore Nelson
The Space Microbiology Team poses in front of the stone JPL sign at the entrance to the campus.
From left to right: Michelle Brose, Theodore Nelson, Miriam Aziz, Somin Lee, Brianna Przywozny, Rashell Ramirez, Chloe Jones
Image courtesy of Theodore Nelson
The Space Microbiology Team poses inside the JPL Mission Control Center.
From left to right: Chloe Jones, Rashell Ramirez, Theodore Nelson, Brianna Przywozny, Somin Lee, Miriam Aziz, Błażej Raszewski, Michelle Brose
Image courtesy of Jake Lee
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